Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

So last night we had so much fun. We went across the street to my neighbors for our tradition of having her yummy burrito things for dinner. I forget what its called but its yummy! We have the best neighbors ever and have become good friends and all our kids play so well. They are all older than my kids but now that Logan is able to play with them, they have so much fun and are very protective of him.
After dinner we rushed to finish putting on costumes and off we went! This is the first year Logan didnt cry and scream the whole time so it was a much more enjoyable holiday for everyone. My In laws came over to see the kids dressed up and my brother too. We had a great time! So the first pic is last year, haha. What a difference thank goodness. Gavin was tired so he passed out for most of trick or treating, I was just glad he didnt cry. (And he kept the hat on, something Logan wouldn't do when he wore that constume. Logan had fun riding in his chariot, and much fun was had by all!


hansen family said...

Sounds like fun!! I LOVE the picture of Logan screaming his head off!!! Classic.

Martinez Family said...

Cute costumes!! Looks like you had as much fun as we did!! :)

Just K said...

Glad your boys enjoyed it! This first picture in your post sums up what our halloween was like. We didn't trick or treat at all. Sad.